What is Adaptr?
Our first-of-its-kind solution enables you to quickly and easily incorporate popular music into your app or digital experience.
How does it work?
Startups choose music, integrate the SDK and configure their design, and then stream music for their users. We take care of the rest, from paying the labels and publishers, to tracking use. Go live within a few hours!
Who qualifies for Adaptr?
Any startup can use Adaptr. Your business can even get instant access if you have raised less than $7.5m in funding and your app is earning less than $4.5m in revenue. Reach out to our sales team at sales@adaptr.com.
How do I integrate the music into my app?
There are multiple ways to integrate music depending on your specific needs. We offer mobile native SDKs and a JavaScript SDK. Check out our technical documentation here.
How much does it cost? Is there a free trial?
Accessing Adaptr and the catalog is free, so no trial necessary. You don’t pay until you are ready to stream music to your users.
How do I find the best music for my project?
You can browse or search in our library by artist, song name, album, genre, intensity, BPM, or check out one of our pre-curated playlists to help you. Toggle on or off explicit tracks to align with your branding.
FAQs For Rightsholders
Who is using Adaptr?
Adaptr is for early stage startups and app developers that don’t have the resources to negotiate deals with multiple rightsholders. Companies include mobile gaming, digital fitness, social media, dating apps, wellness, dance and more.
What are the qualifications?
Companies that have raised less than $7.5M and are earning less than $4.5M get instant access. Their services are ad supported or free to the user and have less than 100,000 active users, or they are subscription-based with less than 10,000 active users. User generated content uploads are not to exceed 500,000 in a given month. Companies that fall outside these guardrails go through an approval process before they are qualified.
How do you vet startups to make sure they qualify?
Customers are qualified at signup and at each monthly renewal. Guardrails are in place and carefully monitored. All the streams come from our servers. It's a highly controlled environment with full transparency, reporting and analytics. If someone is in breach we can instantly turn off access.
What rights are granted?
On demand, interactive transmissions of masters or underlying compositions. The right to create playlists for an end user's personal consumption only. The right to transmit and publicly display audio-only, and audiovisual content in timed relation with masters transmitted by Adaptr from authorized servers only.